Grocery Hauls / Haul VideosWhole Foods & Hyvee Grocery Haul – 02/07/2015
So this week’s grocery haul video is a combination of two places. Hyvee, a local store from the Midwest, as well as Whole Foods market. I spent like $110 dollars, not totally sure and I can’t list the stuff I bought because in the confusion of construction I lost the receipts! Oops, sorry!
Tags: adzuki beans / banana / beans / black beans / brussels sprouts / brussl sprouts / budget food / budget friendly / budget groceries / bulk bin / calorie restriction / calories / celery / celeryv / chicken / cliff bar / dairy / diet / diet food / dietc / food / food budget / food haul / fruit / groceries / groceries haul / Grocery Haul / haul / herbs / hyvee / hyvee shopping / luna bar / meat / milk / monthly shopping / navy beans / organic / poverty shopping / price matching / protein bars / shopping / sprices / tea / vegetables / weekly shopping / weight gain / weight loss / weight lossw / wfm / whole foods / yogurt Published: February 7, 2015